「Cloud クラウド」 英語字幕付き上映が決定 Shinjuku Piccadilly to screen CLOUD with English subtitles
Shinjuku Piccadilly, operated by Shochiku Multiplex Theatres, will screen film Cloud by Kiyoshi Kurosawa with English subtitles from November 22, 2024.
Starring acclaimed Japanese actor Masaki Suda as Yoshii, alongside an outstanding ensemble cast featuring Kotone Furukawa, Daiken Okudaira, and Masataka Kubota, this film pulls you into a world of intrigue and suspense. Directed by Kiyoshi Kurosawa—winner of the Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival for Wife of a Spy—the story masterfully shifts from a chilling suspense thriller in the first half to explosive, gritty gun action in the second, blending genres with captivating intensity. With a charged atmosphere, eerie visuals, and unexpected twists, this film promises an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Ryōsuke Yoshii works in a small factory and sidelines as a reseller under the alias “Ratel,” flipping anything from medical devices to handbags for profit. Taught by his old classmate Muraoka, Yoshii rejects a lucrative offer from him and instead focuses on his own schemes, trusting only his growing bank balance. After turning down a promotion, he quits, rents a lakeside house, and starts a new life with his girlfriend Akiko. With local youth Sano assisting him, Yoshii’s business flourishes—until disturbing incidents start to occur. A mounting wave of animosity eventually escalates into a mob targeting Yoshii, shattering his once steady life. (Running time:123mins)
Screening schedule: November 22nd to 28th
Theater:Shinjuku Piccadilly(5 min walk from JR Shinjuku station 1 min walk from Exit B7 at Shinjuku 3-chome subway stations)
Tickets can be purchased from 3 days prior to each showing at the theater or website below:
* Shinjuku Piccadilly website only available in Japanese
株式会社松竹マルチプレックスシアターズが運営する映画館「新宿ピカデリー」にて、2024年11月22日(金)より、「Cloud クラウド」の英語字幕付き上映が決定しました。
主人公・吉井を務めるのは、日本映画界を牽引する俳優・菅田将暉。吉井の周囲に集う人物を古川琴音、奥平大兼、岡山天音、荒川良々、窪田正孝ら豪華俳優陣が演じている。監督は『スパイの妻』で第77回ベネチア国際映画祭銀獅子賞を受賞した黒沢清。生き物のように蠢く風や揺らぐ照明、ぞくりと刺さるセリフ、雰囲気抜群の廃工場――前半はひたひたと冷徹なサスペンス、後半はソリッドで乾いたガンアクションと、劇中でジャンルが転換する斬新な構成で観客を呑み込んでゆく。インターネットを経由する“実体のない”サービスの名を冠した映画『Cloud クラウド』。“誰もが標的になりうる”見えない悪意と隣り合わせの“いま”ここにある恐さを描く本作が、現代社会の混沌を撃ち抜く。
場所: 新宿ピカデリー(JR新宿駅より徒歩5分/東京メトロ丸の内線・副都心線・都営新宿線「新宿3丁目駅」B7出口より徒歩1分)